Frequently Asked Questions

Marine Insurance FAQ’s

Which insurance cover should I take out for my Boat?

It is advisable to take out a Comprehensive Policy which is targeted to deal with accidental loss or damage caused to your own Property and to Property of other people, including possible death and/or injuries to others

How should I calculate the value of my Boat for insurance purposes?

The insured value should represent the current market value of your Boat. Thus, if your Boat was bought as new, it is recommended an adjustment should be made to the Sum Insured after the first year or two.

What is not covered?

These are examples of standard exclusions:

Loss or Damage caused by:

Normal wear and tear, osmosis, rust and other forms of gradual deterioration, vermin, moth, marine growth, infestation or damage from insects, animals and marine life;

▪ Racing Risks (unless extended by Us in writing);

▪ Water Ski-ing (unless extended by Us in writing);

▪ Confiscation of the Boat by legal authorities.

▪ War and Terrorism risks.

Furthermore, unless specified in the Schedule, our Policy excludes loss of Cash, Credit Cards, Jewellery, watches and other Items such as photographic and computer equipment, cellular phones, spectacles and sunglasses. Such belongings should be insured under a more appropriate Policy such as Home Contents insurance.

What happens in case of damage and/or injury to other persons?

If you are held legally responsible in any way, our basic ‘Third Party Only’ Policy will protect you against accidental loss or damage caused to other people’s property, including possible injuries and/or death.

Can more than one owner be listed under the Policy?

Details of any person/s having a financial interest in the Boat should be provided to us.

Could the Boat be used during the Laid-Up Period of Insurance?

Our Policy does allow the use of your Boat during the Laid-Up Period which is to be determined by yourself.

The following 3 basic restrictions will apply:

Use of Boat is allowed solely between Sunrise and before Sunset;

▪ Use of Boat is restricted to maximum 20 nautical miles from berthing/storage location;

▪ Use of Boat is allowed provided the Met Office does NOT forecast a wind speed in excess of Force 4 on Beaufort Scale.

Is the Boat covered whilst garaged during the Laid-Up Period?

Cover under our Comprehensive Policy operates also whilst the Boat is garaged any time during the Period of Insurance, irrespective of the In-Commission and/or Laid Up Periods as stated in the Schedule.

Is the Boat covered whilst being transported to and from its place of storage?

Commonly known as Road Transit, our Comprehensive Policy is automatically extended to cover such a risk, provided the Trailer is in a roadworthy condition and complies with the Boat’s manufacturer’s specifications.

What to do in case of an accident?

Seven very important steps that need to be followed

1. Call for medical assistance.
Immediately contact medical assistance for any injured persons.

2. Contact Sea Patrol or Valletta Port.
Should the accident be of a serious nature, or you require urgent assistance, click here for contact details.

3. Third Party Liability.
Should a Third Party be involved obtain name(s) and address(es) of the Third Parties involved. Do not discuss who was to blame as this may create difficulties for us in our handling of your claim.

4. Report your losses to the police.
You are required to report any losses or thefts to police authorities in order for a claim to be lodged. This should be done within 24 hours of your discovery of the loss. Keep a copy of the police report and/any statements made at the scene of the accident by parties involved. Present these to us when you make the claim together with any photos which you may have been able to take recording the damages upon discovery.

5. Minimise damage.
If you have suffered seawater damage, try to minimize the loss or damage by removing the seawater, or start drying out the damaged items. Please note: You must not proceed with repairs (other than emergency repairs) without our approval. Emergency repairs required to minimize losses should be carried out by a qualified marine repairer and any damaged parts must be retained readily available for inspection purposes. Any receipts relating to the emergency repairs should also be kept and submitted together with the completed claim form.

6. Salvage.
Take all the necessary action to salvage your boat. If the engine/s has been immersed in water it must be FLUSHED and serviced as soon as possible. Claims for towing are only covered if it is proven that the vessel required immediate towing due to a perilous situation. Please refer to the policy document for more details about what is excluded. If possible, obtain immediate confirmation from our offices to verify whether cover will apply for such expenses depending on the circumstances of your claim.

7. Witness(es) Contact Details.
Obtain name and address of independent witnesses, if any. Once a claim has been notified, a marine surveyor may be appointed to inspect the damages.