In case of emergency:
Please notify Global Response UK immediately in case of serious illness or accident whilst travelling abroad:
Tel. no. +44 2920 662 432
What should I do if I have a claim?
You should contact us as soon as possible to provide us with details of the incident. Our claims department can be contacted during office hours on (+356) 2557 9000. Alternatively you can email us at
You need to keep the receipts of any expenses incurred if you are planning to make a claim on your return. These could include the cost of replacing essential personal effects when your baggage is lost for more than twelve hours or receipts for the purchase of foreign currency.
It is important to substantiate the claim being lodged and therefore any document / item which you present might assist us in the process of your claim.
When travelling, carry with you details of the emergency assistance offered by us as part of your policy (Global response contact details are listed above). Always take a copy of the policy with you on travels so that you know what to do if something goes wrong.
In case of damage or injury to a third party, do NOT admit any liability or negotiate any settlement agreement with the said party unless indicated otherwise from our end.
What should I do in case of Loss / Theft of Money or Personal Effects?
You are required to report any losses or thefts to the police authorities within 24 hours of your discovery of the loss. If the loss or theft occurred in a particular place such as your hotel, you will also need to report it to the hotel management. Keep a copy of the police report to send it to us when you make the claim together with any proof of ownership of the items being claimed (wherever possible).
What should I do if my Baggage is damaged by the airline?
If your luggage is damaged during the flight, report it at the airline desk before you leave the airport. You will be given a “Property Irregularity Report” which should be presented to us when you make the claim. If you discover the damage after leaving the airport, notify the airline in writing. Most airlines require notification of your loss within seven (7) days.
What documentation is required in case of a Medical Claim?
You should provide us with a copy of the medical report stating details of injury / illness and the original receipts for medication, hospitalization etc. It is very important that if hospitalisation or repatriation is required due to the injury / illness you are kindly requested to inform Global Response immediately for further assistance. Global Response provides emergency assistance on a 24/7 basis.
What documentation is required in case of Baggage Delay?
The original airline report lodged on the day when the delay commenced and the original report confirming the date and time when the baggage was received.
What if I need to cancel my trip?
It is very important that when cancelling your travel plans (whether due to a reason covered by an insurance policy or not), you immediately inform the travel agent, booking office, airline or any other company with whom the trip was booked in order to check two main issues: Whether the travel arrangements can be postponed to a later date, maybe at an additional fee; Whether any refunds can be given by the airline / hotel / travel agent etc. Most airline companies (excluding low cost airlines) will refund the Taxes / Fuel Surcharge. Same goes for some Hotels and Travel Agents, which sometimes provide a refund based on the period remaining until the departure date, e.g. say a 50% refund if cancelled up to 6 weeks before the departure. It is important that the above checks are carried out by the person cancelling their trip, since the insurance policy would not normally cover these types of refunds. Therefore the person cancelling the trip has to make their own arrangements to recover these expenses.
What is the process for opening a claim for cancellation of trip?
As soon as possible you should inform the insurance company that a claim for cancellation will be lodged and provide full details for the reason of the cancellation, so that the claims handler can guide you with regards to whether policy cover is effective, and advise what documentation is required for the processing of the claim.
You should also ensure that confirmations regarding any refunds payable to you are copied to the claims handler for due consideration when adjusting your claim.
Typical documents which would be required for a claim for cancellation of trip are:
A medical certificate detailing the illness / injury;
In case of cancellation due to the death of a relative or travel companion, a certificate detailing the cause of death would be required;
For other reasons for cancellation that are covered under the travel policy, it is important to note that claims always have to be duly supported by relevant documentation relating to the cause of cancellation and the amounts being claimed.
Please note that attention will be given to the Health Warranty contained in your policy. Any pre-existing medical conditions should be communicated to insurers immediately so that insurers may confirm whether any limitations on policy cover would apply.